This script requires the Kemp PowerShell modules to be downloaded from Kemps support site.
At the time of writing these were still in a beta stage.
[cc lang=”Powershell”]
# PowerShell Script to Get and change the DNS
# Kemp NLB to facilitate new DNS servers
# NO’K
# _ ________ __ __ _____ _____ _ _ _____
# | |/ / ____| \/ | __ \ | __ \| \ | |/ ____|
# | ‘ /| |__ | \ / | |__) | | | | | \| | (___
# | < | __| | |\/| | ___/ | | | | . ` |\___ \
# | . \| |____| | | | | | |__| | |\ |____) |
# |_|\_\______|_| |_|_| |_____/|_| \_|_____/
$ModuleLoc = “C:\Kemp.LoadBalancer.Powershell.psm1”
$LoadMasters = (Get-Content ‘C:\nlbs.txt’)
$onlinelist = @()
$offlinelist = @()
$oldDNS = @()
$newDNS = ‘,’
$creds = Get-Credential
Import-Module $ModuleLoc
$LoadMasters|%{if(Test-Connection $_ -Quiet -Count 2){
Write-Verbose “`t $_ is up”; $onlinelist += $_}
else{Write-Warning “`t`t`t`t $_ is not contactable”; $offlinelist += $_}
if($offlinelist -ne $null){
$ofs=”,”; $offl # Write-Verbose “Checking Connection to $kemp”
$OfflineMsg=”The following Kemps are offline: $offlinelist”;$ofs=” “}
#Write-Host “Initilizing Connection to $kemp” -backgroundcolor yellow
Initialize-LoadBalancer -Address $_ -LBPort 443 -Credential $creds}
$outfileA = $onlinelist|%{Get-DNSConfiguration -LoadBalancer $_ | Select ‘HA1Hostname’, ‘HA2Hostname’, ‘NamServer’}
$outfileA | Out-File ‘C:\KempDNS.txt’
$outfileB = $onlinelist|%{Set-DNSConfiguration -LoadBalancer $_ -NameServer $newDNS }
$outfileB | Select ‘HA1Hostname’, ‘HA2Hostname’, ‘NamServer’| Out-File ‘C:\KempnewDNS.txt’